Marion St. Mary Uniforms
At Marion St. Mary, children are expected to wear uniforms on all days except designated dress down days. Please find more information on student uniforms below.
Uniform clothes are available at Wal-Mart, Amazon, Kohls, and other stores. The following links will take you to low cost uniform options on Amazon. Light Blue Polo Shirt, K-5 Dark Blue Chino Pants, K-5 Dark Green Polo Shirt, 6-8 Black Chino Pants, 6-8 Uniforms are also available at Educational Apparel, both online and at their store in Columbus. Educational Apparel is the only vendor that provides our jumpers and skirts for girls. Please find a link to their site below. Educational Apparel Hessler's in Marion is the vendor for our school sweatshirts. We are proud to support local business! Please find their website below. Hessler's Screen Printing All uniform clothes and more are available at the school as well. We also have a collection of gently used uniforms to assist our families. Please call 740-382-1607 or email Kim Newell to purchase or borrow from the school. |